“God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19
There have been times in my life when I’ve felt that God had forgotten about me and the promises He had made to me because all I was feeling was lack, discontentment and the prolonging of unfulfilled dreams. I felt like everything was working against me and I didn’t understand where God was, or how it was all supposed to play into this “beautiful purpose and plan for my life” that He had promised me long ago. One of the very first promises He had given to me when I recommitted my life to Him 9 years ago was that “He knew the plans He had for me and they were plans to prosper me and NOT TO HARM ME, but to give me a hope and future” (Jer. 29:11). So then why more than often was I not feeling prosperous or hopeful? Why did I feel like I was still fighting for everything as I had done most of my life? He had promised to walk with me by my side and fight my battles for me. I would have thoughts like, “Is He working for me or against me? Does He even care about what is happening right now? Isn’t He almighty who can in a split second turn it all around and make it all good and prosperous as he promised my life would be?”
Have you had similar thoughts? I have to say that my thoughts were wrong. My focus was wrong and I had to repent for my doubting, unbelieving heart. When God makes a promise, He ALWAYS fulfills it for “God is not a man that He should lie”. He is sovereign and holy, yet He cares about EVERY little and big detail of our lives. When our focus is off, and on ourselves, we miss exactly what He is doing in our very circumstances. When we take our focus off Him we then zoom in on our circumstances, and like Peter when He was walking on water, we begin to panic then sink, even though God Himself is right there in front of us, in our direct line of vision. The reason we begin to have those types of thoughts I mentioned above is because we first allow the enemy to deceive us into thinking that God is holding something back from you that you deserve…just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden. We get this self-entitlement thing going on, like somehow God owes us something, when reality is that, He’s already given us EVERYTHING.
God hasn’t forgotten about you dear friend. He thinks about you every single second of the day and He only has sweet, beautiful thoughts towards you. In ALL of His sovereignty, He is ALWAYS for you and NEVER against you. Trials and tests are necessary to refine us and build our faith and Godly character. He may even be trying to work something out of your heart that doesn’t belong there because it wouldn’t be fitting for where He’s trying to take you. The sooner you submit to the process the sooner you may see your way out of it.
Even when it doesn’t seem like it, He PROMISES that He is working ALL things out for your good. If you feel distant from Him, draw near to Him and tell Him. Ask Him to help your unbelieving heart and to give you fresh revelation of what He’s doing in your life. With revelation comes renewed hope, encouragement and empowerment to persevere. Rest and trust that He WILL DO everything He has promised to do.
Are you struggling to take your focus off of your situation? Let me know how I can pray for you…I’d love to hear from you.