I recently got an awesome revelation after God blessed me with an amazing, huge blessing several weeks ago. This blessing took me by surprise although it was something that I had been praying for for a while now, and it literally just happened out of no where…of course that’s just how God works right??! Anyway, although I knew that this thing was a blessing from God, I have to say that I wrestled with it for a few weeks since it did not look the way that I’ve always envisioned it to be, nor did it happen the way I always thought it would. I had plans for this blessing, and how it would affect my life; I had this template in my mind and just knew that whenever this blessing came, I would recognize it for what it was because it would look and feel a certain way…it would fit my little template. When it didn’t, I began to question and doubt God. I started to dissect the situation by trying to figure out all kinds of things. Like asking, “is this truly a blessing from God?” “Did I make up this situation?” “How is thing going to play out long-term in my life”? “Will it truly work out despite the circumstances surrounding it?”
You see I had my own plan in mind from the beginning. I had my own ideas and thoughts on how this certain blessing should be manifested in my life and I held on tightly to that plan. So when this blessing didn’t come in the exact packaging as I had pictured for a long while now, I was caught off guard and even wanted to reject it because I wasn’t sure if it was God or not since it didn’t really fit into my plans. I was then reminded that God has a way of doing His own thing that is ultimately for our own good and security.
“A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.” Proverbs 16:9
This verse came to me this morning as I was thinking of all these things. God reminded me and said, “yes, it is absolutely a great thing and idea to have a plan and dream for your life, but May, you MUST be willing to live open-handed, open-hearted, open-minded and surrendered to Me EVERYDAY. Allow me to order your steps that you may receive the FULLNESS of joy and blessings in every situation and scenario that I bring before you.” God wants us to be open to Him and to be led by Him into His best for our lives. We should certainly have goals and plans, in fact it would be completely irresponsible of us if we’re not planning and having goals and vision for our lives, but God should always be above all of our goals and plans and we must leave room for Him to do as He pleases with our lives. We have to live openly surrendered to the molding and direction of the “Potter”. He knows what’s best for our lives. He knows exactly how to get us to where we need to be in life. A life un-surrendered to the will of God will only lead you to circling around and around in the wilderness for years without much progress towards God’s promises and His best for your life. We should be as clay in the potter’s hand.
“Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same mass (lump) one vessel for beauty and distinction and honorable use…?” Romans 9:21
Let God write your story because He is SO much more creative than you are and His intentions towards you are only good. He has rich blessings for your life. Surrender to Him daily, pray and seek Him often; speak to Him often throughout your day. Let Him know you want His best for your life, and despite how circumstances might look, choose to trust Him through it.
“They cried to You and were delivered; they trusted in, leaned on, and confidently relied on You, and were not ashamed or confounded or disappointed.” Psalm 22:5.
Remain in Him by constantly feeding your spirit with the Word of God and by being in constant communication in Him…you DON’T want to miss Him. I could’ve missed God and what He is doing. He rerouted my life through this blessing a few weeks ago and has shown me a different way, a MUCH better way. He’s given me new vision concerning my circumstances and I’m SO glad that I pressed in, listened to Him, trusted Him, believed Him and surrendered to His blessing. As a result it’s all been more than I could ever ask for and continues to be.
When God reroutes your life as He did mine, it’s a blessing. When things do not look the way you thought it should while you’re believing in Him and sticking to His plan, trust me it’s a blessing. Taking over the wheel from God and/or sticking dead to our own ideas and our own agendas on how we believe things should happen will cause us to miss God. Surrender your plans for His greater plans for your life. Let Him order and establish your steps. A life of obedience and a life surrendered to the will of God will direct you into a path of His promises, full of blessings, favor, faith, joy, provision and abundance. Let Him create the most beautiful story out of your life.
“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me…” Psalm 138:8